Your job is complete, what do you do next?
We are going to go over some tips on what to do once you get that lovely email telling you that your job is complete and ready to be downloaded.
Tip #1 Download right away
- It is super important that you download your completed job as soon as possible, don't wait! If you wait the download link will expire 14 days after the job is complete. If you wait too long you run the risk of the job files being removed from our servers and at that point we will no longer be able to create a new download link for your job.
Tip #2 Don't import Virtual copies
- Once you downloaded the job, next remove the catalog from the zip folder and put it where it will be easy for you to find (I recommend the desktop then move after). Once done open Lightroom and go to "File" then "Import from another catalog". Select the catalog and a dialog box will pop up. Look for the setting that says "Preserve old settings as a virtual copy" make sure it is UNCHECKED.
Tip #3 Back it up!
- No one likes losing files and having a back up of the completed catalog along with your smart previews will at least let you have set of images if something was to happen to the originals. You can make some prints from smart previews so, in the event that you lose the raws, you can at least make some prints typically up to a 16x20 off the smart previews.
Tip #4 Locating missing files
- Once you import our edits sometimes your files might come up as "Missing". In this case, just select the first images and click the on [!] in the corner of the image. From here just go to where you have the raws saved and find that image number. Make sure the option to "Locate nearby missing files" is checked and select the image. Sometimes you do need to try on more than one image.
Tip #5 Don't wait to reach out
- If you have any trouble that seems more out of the ordinary or you just can't get it working, reach out to us at as soon as possible! This goes for if you are unhappy as well, let us know as soon as possible so we can work with you to figure out the next steps.
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