What is the first thing I should do to get started with Fotoskribe?
Fill out this Getting Started Questionnaire. This helps us collect important information about the way you present your work on your blog and the voice you use in your writing style.
What does Fotoskribe need from me to schedule a blog post?
We just need your Customer Content. This is the event-form that you fill out for each post and the images you need to deliver via Dropbox for each post.
When do I have to send you my photos and fill in the forms each week?
We require the content for each post by the Content Submission Deadline (CSD). This is the two business-day deadlines that we request to receive Customer Content by in order to deliver on our turnaround time promise.
What is Fotoskribe’s Turnaround Promise?
Our turnaround time is as fast as two business days from the time we receive your submitted content. What this means is that we’ll deliver your post to your blog as scheduled content as fast as two business days. Then the post will be scheduled to go live the following day.
For example, if your blog needs to be published on Thursday, then Fotoskribe would need to get it scheduled by Wednesday. In order to get the post scheduled on Wednesday, our team requires two business days. This means the Content Submission Deadline would be Monday.
For more details, check out our Turnaround Time help article.
Can I submit content for a blog post early?
Heck YES you can! We love early submissions. The earlier the better. Just make sure the photos are also uploaded dropbox so we have all we need to get started on your post(s) early.
Once I submit my blog forms, how long before my blog gets scheduled?
Your blog will be scheduled as fast as two business days from the time we receive your customer content. If you request changes after submitting your content or more information needed from the blog techs, the post may take up to five business days to schedule.
When should I post my blogs?
You can discuss your posting day with your consultant, but we recommend a business day that isn’t Monday. Once you choose your posting day, simply follow the monthly blogging schedule provided by your Blogging Consultant. The key is consistency.
If I miss a week, can I make that up later?
Late and/or missed content for posts can be redeemed within 10 business days from the original scheduled date, but consistency is of the utmost importance for your brand awareness and SEO value. As your blogging business partner, we push to meet your blogging calendar deadlines!
How many images should I submit per blog?
Our research shows that between 25-50 bring the best awareness and ROI for your blog. All of our plans include up to 50 images for no extra cost!
Does Fotoskribe Blog on platforms other than WordPress?
Yes! We blog on WordPress, Squarespace, Hubspot, Zenfolio and PhotoBiz.
Does Fotoskribe use SEO Plugins on WordPress blogs?
For our WordPress customers, yes! We highly encourage you to install the Yoast SEO (free) plugin.
I have more than 1 brand. Will 1 membership/subscription cover blogs for all?
Yes! One subscription will cover blogs for all your brands.
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