A note about Yoast SEO
If you are on a WordPress blog, we highly encourage you to install the Yoast SEO (free) plugin. If it is installed, we will fill it out each week to ensure your post is as SEO rich as possible. With that, we have a few guidelines we use when using Yoast:
1. We don't worry about making every element of Yoast SEO go green
First, it's usually impossible to do every time, and it can make the posts sound forced. Second, your blog can get penalized by Google for keyword stuffing. As long as the main SEO button goes green, the post is good to go.
2. Readability
We have reached out to Yoast regarding the readability indicator which was created to help cater to people who skim or read over posts quickly. The readability indicator relates mainly to bloggers who focus on the words rather than photographers who use the blog to showcase their images.
We have a team of talented writers who create meaningful content, but the nice sentence structures and lack of headlines make the readability go orange and red. At Fotoskribe, we will ALWAYS make sure the SEO part of Yoast goes green and allow the readability to remain where it is.
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