Extra offers 3 main ways to search galleries SORTING, SIMPLE SEARCH, and ADVANCED SEARCH
Did you know every column in Extra's gallery list is sortable in ascending and descending order? Just click on the column header to switch the sort order. Combining SORTING with a SIMPLE SEARCH or ADVANCED SEARCH is the best way to find the exact event you are looking for.
This is the search bar on the right side of your gallery list
SIMPLE SEARCH works by checking all columns in results for the word or words you enter. The SIMPLE SEARCH field does partial word matches as well.
Ex. Searching "Cat" would return results for all events with the name "Catherine" as well as events with the venue "Cathedral"
ADVANCED SEARCH is the most precise and robust way to find a gallery. You can search by pretty much anything about a gallery.
You can search by any number of combinations as well, let's say you wanted to search for all "Weddings" shot at your favorite venue the "Grand Del Mar" you can combine multiple fields together to get the most precise results which are then also sortable!
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