The "UPLOAD Alert" email is an automated message that is sent whenever the uploader has been left open, and there are no longer any files uploading. There can be a few different causes, and solutions:
1. Your upload is complete, and you just need to VERIFY
If you have uploaded all of your files to ShootDotEdit and receive the "UPLOAD Alert" email, you may have forgotten to verify your upload! Simply log back into, and re-visit the uploader. Click on the "verify" button to close the uploader, and the emails will stop.
2. Files are missing, and the upload is incomplete
It is also possible that the upload has stopped because it had an issue receiving all of the files. To resolve, simply log back into, and re-visit the uploader. Add all files back in to the uploader, and it will pick up where it's left off! Once the upload is completed, be sure to verify the upload to close the uploader.
3. The automated message is delayed
If you have successfully uploaded all of your files and verified your upload, this email may have just been sent at a delay. Sometimes, there are brief pauses in the upload, and this can trigger the "UPLOAD Alert" email. If your upload is complete and verified, you can ignore this email! :)
Still not sure what to do? Feel free to reach out to our Customer Success Team to check in on your job, and to troubleshoot your error message!
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