1. Log in to shootdotedit.com and navigate to "Submit Job." Click on "New Job."
2. The first page to fill out is the Job Details page. It is VERY important that all information on this page is correct and matches the files that you will be sending to ShootDotEdit.
- Name your job - You can name your job anything you like!
- Enter the date of the event - this is the date that the event was shot
- Classify the job as a wedding, engagement session, etc. If the event is not covered by your subscription plan, select "Other"
- Opt to create an Extra gallery or not for this event - it's free!
- Enter the number of images you are submitting
- Let us know how we will receive your files. Our "web upload" option is by far the most popular choice!
- Let us know if your images are sorted in chronological order, or not. ShootDotEdit does not offer a time-syncing service
3. Select which workflow you are using.
4. Select your services
- Style Match Pro Color is the service covered by your subscription plan. At the very least, you will be selecting this service for every job
- We also offer Renaming and Categorization as additional services
- The "Job Details" column will tally up all costs and discounts, so you can see exactly how you may be billed for this submission
(The examples shows if you are ONLY ordering color correction)
5. Let us know how you would like to receive your work back from ShootDotEdit
- Catalog(Lightroom workflow) - receive your color corrections back in a zipped file, ready for you to apply any finishing touches or presets
- JPEG delivery - receive your work back as JPEGs, uploaded to a hosting site of your choice
6. Do you need this job RUSHED? A Rush order will create an additional charge, and get your work back to you as quickly as possible!
7. Check out page - hitting "Place Order" will submit your job, and redirect you to upload your files
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